Už je koniec.
Už jeho slová a jeho činy ožijú na striebornom plátne.
Jeho slová k nám ale ostanú v nás a v našich myšlienkach.
Jeho zázračný úsmev bude navždy len na plátne.
26. augusta 2008
RIP Dočko
25. augusta 2008
24. augusta 2008
Hlavu hore!

22. augusta 2008
Za tigrom sú fotky takého malého červeného tvora. Spravím anketu, do ktorej nenapíšem celé meno zvierat, lebo to by bolo jednoduché. Som zvedavá, ako budete hlasovať :-)
18. augusta 2008
A ešte aby som nezabudla, keď sme išli ešte len tam, tak sme išli normálne po ceste, a zrazu tesne vedľa cesty dva jelene. A jeden bol strašne obrovský. Keby nám narazil do auta, nechcem vedieť, ako by potom vyzeralo.
To je asi všetko, tak si to užite :-)
16. augusta 2008
Šťastie v nešťastí
A hoďte koment s vašou reakciou, budem rada :-)
15. augusta 2008
U2- live - with or without you
Neuveriteľne nádherná pesnička. Tá baba má zážitok na celý život. Byť tak na jej mieste,...
6. augusta 2008
Sam Roberts - "Bridge To Nowhere"
Toto je kanadský spevák, ktorý mi pripomína Jamesa Blunta. Asi sa zo mňa pomaly ale isto stáva Kanaďanka, lebo začínam počúvať kanadské pesničky. Ale nie je pekná? :-) A má aj dobrý text.
Another day breaks and the last one's gone
You dig deep just to carry on
Your debt's paid off but it don't feel gone
So you slip out the back and you're moving on
I can never figure out how to make a case
That this don't amount to a fall from grace
She wants to know can I replace
This tired wool with satin lace
Says you're on a bridge to nowhere and you're gettin' there fast
Put it in the past, put it in the past
If this is a race then I hope you come last
You're on a bridge to nowhere and you're gettin' there fast
Pressure builds till it breaks the door
You can build a house you can't build a home
And it's a fool who believes love is bred in the bone
And there's no guarantees that you won't get stoned
Yeah, I'm a fool who believed love is bred in the bone
And there are no guarantees that I won't get stoned
Says you're on a bridge to nowhere and you're gettin' there fast
Put it in the past, put it in the past
If this is a race then I hope you come last
You're on a bridge to nowhere and you're gettin' there fast
I don't know where it leads, oh no
All I know is that I don't wanna breathe this chemical breeze
No more
So another day breaks and the last one's gone
You dig deep just to carry on
Your debt's paid off but it don't feel gone
So you slip out the back and you're moving on
Says you're on a bridge to nowhere and you're gettin' there fast
Put it in the past, put it in the past
If this is a race then I hope you come last
You're on a bridge to nowhere and you're gettin' there fast
Yeah you're on a bridge to nowhere and you're gettin' there fast
Put it in the past, put it in the past
If this is a race then I hope you come last
You're on a bridge to nowhere and you're gettin' there fast